The Interreg Sudoe project AGROSMARTglobal, which aims to support the digital internationalisation of agri-food cooperatives in South-West Europe (Sudoe), has identified the need to support and strengthen the promotion and protection of agricultural and agri-food products that benefit from European quality schemes on the Internet.
For this reason, AREPO – in collaboration with UTAD, IrRADIARE, and competent experts in the field of intellectual property – has taken on the task of drawing up a “best practice” guide for GI consortia and producer associations, which would aim to:
- Improve their knowledge on how to promote their products that benefit from EU quality schemes (PDOs, PGIs, TSGs and organic farming) on the Internet, to take better advantage of their added value on international digital markets;
- Provide them with operational tools to protect their Geographical Indications (GIs) on the Internet. To date, there is no strong protection for GIs with regard to the allocation of domain names. Their protection is now threatened by the new approach proposed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). The fight against Internet fraud is essential to protect the rights of producers and consumers.
In order to develop the most relevant guide possible, we need your help to identify your needs in both these areas. Therefore, we would be grateful if you could help us by completing the survey developed for this purpose.
The survey can be completed online at the following link: https://survey.irradiare.com/index.php/472927, or in word format, which you will find attached. The survey has been translated into French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and English.
We strongly encourage you to participate in this survey given the importance of this subject and to complete it by Friday, April 22, at the latest.
For any questions about the survey, please contact Anne CLERMONTELLE at the following address: eu-projects@arepoquality.eu.
More information :
Survey in word format:
EN/ Survey on the promotion and protection of EU quality schemes on the Internet_AGROSMARTglobal