From 14 to 16 September 2020 AREPO took part in the MOVING kick-off meeting. Around 70 experts from 23 organisations have met virtually to define the first actions that will make this project a reality.
The meeting, held online because of the sanitary emergency, allowed the Consortium to meet each other and to establish the best working methods for the upcoming four years in which this Horizon 2020 project will be running.
Read here the full press release.
MOVING (MOuntain Valorization through INterconnectedness and Green growth) is a project funded with € 6 million from the Horizon 2020 programme, and coordinated by the University of Córdoba (Spain).
It aims to create the necessary capacities at the local and institutional level to co-design the policy framework that allows the development of value chains that guarantee the sustainability and resilience of mountain areas. It will be done in a bottom-up participatory process with value chain actors, regional and European stakeholders and policy-makers.