The AGROSMARTglobal project has been selected by the Interreg Sudoe program!
As a reminder, the past AGROSMARTcoop project ended on December 31 last year. The aim of this project was to revitalise agri-food cooperatives from the South-West Europe by improving their eco-innovation and intelligent marketing strategies. The project resulted in the creation of a collaborative platform with many tools and services dedicated to cooperatives (more information here).
But AGROSMARTcoop has also generated the creation of strategic alliances between the partners, who have decided to submit a new project focusing on the internationalization of cooperatives’ products following the interest shown by the cooperatives themselves.
This project is called AGROSMARTglobal and was approved on June 18 by the 2014-2020 Interreg Sudoe programme as part of their 3rd call for proposals!
AGROSMARTglobal “Space for the competitiveness, promotion and intelligent international expansion of agri-food cooperatives in the Sudoe rural areas” was created following the conclusions of the study on the needs of cooperatives developed as part of the AGROSMARTcoop project, which highlighted the shortcomings of cooperatives on their positioning on the digital market. The project therefore aims to strengthen the visibility and competitiveness of cooperatives on the digital market.
Its main objective is to consolidate the space for the promotion, interconnection and competitiveness of agri-food cooperatives through the development of new digital marketing strategies tools and services that would strengthen their internationalization.
This time the project will cover 10 Regions of the Sudoe area: Galicia, Castilla-La Mancha, Euskadi and La Rioja in Spain, Nouvelle-Aquitaine in France, Região do Norte, Algarve, Região do Centro, Região de Lisboa and Alentejo in Portugal. It will start on September 1, 2019 and end on August 31, 2022 with a total budget of €1,598,000, co-financed at 75% by the ERDF, to implement its activities.
AREPO has taken an interest in this project mainly for the activities dedicated to the protection, promotion and marketing of Geographical Indications on the Internet. AREPO will also have a key role in the promotion, networking and results dissemination to strategic political representatives and has a total budget of €118,360, co-financed at 75% by the ERDF, to implement its activities.
The project coordinator is again AGACA, the federation of agri-food cooperatives of Galicia.